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Legals 9-3-24

In Re:  Estate of Carlen J. Wiggins, Jr.,
Case No. 2024-CV-30
Victoria Wiggins
Carlen J. Wiggins, III
Daneisha Highland,
Ayla Wiggins
Order of Sale
In Obedience to an order of the Chancery Court at Gainesboro, Tennessee made upon the 5th day of August, 2024 in the above styled case, I will on Saturday, the 21st day of September, 2024 at 10:00am online and on the premises at Auction sell to the highest and best bidder the property in said order described, being a tract of land lying and being in the 3rd Civil District of Jackson County, Tennessee, containing 6.50 acres as surveyed by Carlen J. Wiggins Jr., R.L.S. 2323, Plated dated October 2, 2012 of record in Plat Book 2, page 541, Register’s Office, Jackson County, Tennessee and being  lands contained in Record Book 68, page 1749, in the Register’s Office of Jackson County, Tennessee.  Tax Map 39, Parcel 3.01, according to the Tax Assessor’s Office, Jackson County, Tennessee and is more particularly described as follows:
Third (3") Civil District of Jackson County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning on a new iron pin at a fence corner, being the northwest corner of the tract of land herein described, also a point in the boundary of a tract of land belonging to Eldon Draper (Deed Book R-1, page 56), also a point in the boundary of a tract of land belonging to Carlen Jay Wiggins Jr. (Record Book 49, page 548) and being further a point in the outer perimeter of the parent tract; thence leaving Draper's boundary and with Wiggins' boundary and with a fence line the following calls: North 77 degrees, 59 minutes, 55 seconds East 121.06 feet to a 6" cedar, North 62 degrees, 07 minutes, 16 seconds East 35.99 feet to a 6" cedar, North 53 degrees, 59 minutes, 46 seconds East 64.31 feet to a 6" cedar and North 47 degrees, 37 minutes, 34 seconds East 146.31 feet to a new iron pin at a fence corner; thence with a partially-fenced boundary and continuing with Wiggins' boundary South 75 degrees, 54 minutes, 57 seconds East crossing Sycamore Hollow Lane, in all, 430.68 feet to a point in the center of the branch, being the northeast corner of the tract of land herein described and being also a point in the boundary of a tract of land belonging to Roger Lee Draper, Dow Junior Draper and Steve Thomas Draper (Deed Book F-4, page 287); thence leaving Wiggins' boundary and with the center of the branch and Draper's boundary South 7 degrees, 29 minutes, 15 seconds West 155.99 feet and South 1 degrees, 19 minutes, 05 seconds East 214.24 feet to the forks of the branch and Wartrace Creek, being the southeast corner of the tract of land herein described; theme leaving Draper's boundary and severing the parent tract with the center of Wartrace Creek the following calls: North 68 degrees, 39 minutes, 43 seconds West 280.00 feet, South 56 degrees, 53 minutes, 19 seconds West 455.97 feet and South 70 degrees, 08 minutes, 32 seconds West 56.23 feet to a point in the center of the creek, being a point in the boundary of the aforementioned tract of land belonging to Eldon Draper and being also a point in the outer perimeter of the parent tract; thence leaving the center of the creek with Eldon Draper's boundary North 0 degrees, 03 minutes, 38 seconds West 110.61 feet to a 12" oak at the south end of a fence line; thence with the fence line and continuing with Eldon Draper's boundary the following calls: North 0 degrees, 03 minutes, 38 seconds West 101.76 feet to a wooden post, North 4 degrees, 44 minutes, 49 seconds West 70.93 feet to a 4" cedar, North 6 degrees, 44 minutes, 10 seconds West 71.90 feet to an 8" double cedar and North 1 degrees, 21 minutes, 09 seconds West 107.10 feet to the point of beginning, containing 6.50 Acres as surveyed by Carlen J. Wiggins Jr., R.L.S. 2323, Plat dated October 2, 2012, of record in Plat Book 2, page 541, Register's Office, Jackson County, Tennessee, and being a portion of lands contained in Record Book 62, page 655,  in the Register's Office of Jackson County, Tennessee.
The previous and last conveyance being a Warranty Deed from Earl Brazle, Sr. and wife, Patricia Ann Williford Brazle, to Carlen Jay Wiggins, Jr. recorded in Record Book 68, page 1799, in the Register's Office of Jackson County, Tennessee.
Property address is 195 Sycamore Hollow Ln, Whitleyville, TN 38588
20% down day of sale and balance when sale is confirmed by the Chancellor.  
This 5th day of August, 2024
Lee G. Richardson
Attorney for the Estate of Carlen J. Wiggins, Jr.
Kayla Cantrell
Guardian Ad Litem
Sherrie Pippin-Loftis, 
Special Commissioner
Chancellor C. K. Smith
8-27, 9-3, 9-10 3TC

Docket No. 2014-CV-34
Estate of Ova Green Lawson,
Laura Garman,
Ricky Lawson, Gaary Lawson, Harley Lawson, Boyd Lawson, Virginia Burris, Donna Neuman and Ruby Lee Hajdasz
Order of Publication
Upon consideration of the Court, it appears that certain Respondents cannot be located upon diligent search and inquiry, and that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon them; service of process by publication is ordered and the said Respondents are hereby required to appear and answer or otherwise defend against the Petition filed by Laura Garman, whose attorneys are Patricia A. McDade, 227 Bridge Street, Franklin, Tennessee 37064 and Joseph Johnson, Jr., within thirty (30) days after the date of the last publication of this notice; otherwise, the relief sought by the Petitioner will be granted by this Court.
It is ORDERED that this notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation serving Jackson County, Tennessee, once weekly for four (4) consecutive weeks.
ENTERED this the 8th day of August 2024
Charles Smith, Chancellor
Approved for Entry:
Patricia A. McDade, BPR# 009550
227 Bridge Street
Franklin, Tennessee 37064
(615) 791-0058
(615) 791-0129 fax
Co-Counsel for Laura Garman
8-20, 8-27, 9-3 & 9-10, 4TP

WHEREAS, by Deed of Trust dated August 29, 2018, and recorded in Record Book 90, page 114, in the Register's Office of Jackson County, Tennessee, Bryan Brewsaugh and Laura Brewsaugh, conveyed the property described therein to Howard Bilbrey, Trustee, to secure a loan from PUTNAM 1st MERCANTILE BANK in the original amount of $23,500.00.
WHEREAS, Howard Bilbrey, Trustee, is unable to act as Trustee under the Deed of Trust, and Jeffrey G. Jones has been appointed Successor Trustee by Putnam 1st Mercantile Bank, the owner and holder of the indebtedness described in the Deed of Trust, by an instrument of record in Book 117, page 674, Register's Office for Jackson County, Tennessee, with authority for either of them to act alone with the powers given the Trustee in the Deed of Trust; and
WHEREAS, default in the payment of the aforesaid indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust has been made; and
WHEREAS, Putnam 1st Mercantile Bank has demanded that the real property be advertised and sold in satisfaction of said indebtedness and the cost of foreclosure, in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Deed of Trust.
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that I, Jeffrey G. Jones, Successor Trustee, pursuant to the power, duty and authority vested in and imposed upon me in the Deed of Trust, will on the 12th day of September, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., prevailing time, at the Jackson County Courthouse, Gainesboro, Putnam County, Tennessee, offer for sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, and free from the equity of redemption and all rights of redemption, statutory or otherwise (including without limitation those rights of redemption contained in Tennessee Code Annotated 66-8-101 et seq.), homestead, dower, elective share, right of every kind, which are expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, certain real property situated in the Seventh Civil District of Jackson County, Tennessee, described as follows:
Being a tract or parcel of land lying and being located in the Seventh Civil District of Jackson County, Tennessee, described as follows:
BEING TRACT NO. FIVE (5) of an unrecorded plat by Wiggins Survey Co. dated 8/19/99. Beginning on Dyer Cemetery Lane corner, R. & G. Family Partnership and the N.W. corner of this tract; thence with Dyer Cemetery Lane N 69°51’57” E 87.77 feet; thence N 61°16’03” E 123.91 feet; thence N 57°20’26” E 60.17 feet; thence N 53°28’02” E 46.72 feet; thence leaving Dyer Cemetery Lane S 39°51’23” E 824.69 feet; thence S 39°39’11” W 161.02 feet; thence S 53°48’02” W 122.40 feet; thence S 41°05’57” W 45.56 feet; thence S 62°05’59” W 56.67 feet; thence S 43°11’56” W 79.55 feet; thence S 66°52’04” W 35.98 feet; thence with the R & G Family Partnership N 29°19’52” W 23.71 feet; thence N 35°14’58” W 110.66 feet; thence N 20°04’36” W 70.94 feet; thence N 37°45’19” W 66.07 feet thence N 26°15’40” W 153.78 feet; thence N 37°05’30” W 248.09 feet; thence N 16°42’16” W 142.73 feet; thence N 19°52’07” W 116.80 feet to the beginning containing 8.48 acres more or less. Sold by the boundary and not by the acre.
This property has not been surveyed for this conveyance, and the description contained herein is being taken from the previous and last warranty deed, and the preparer of this instrument accepts no responsibility and/or liability for the accuracy of acreage, boundaries, or other such matters that would be disclosed by a survey.
The previous and last conveyance being a deed to Bryan Brewsaugh and Laura Brewsaugh of record in Record Book 42, Page 567, Register’s Office of Jackson County, Tennessee.
SOURCE OF DESCRIPTION: This is in substance the same description as the previous and last conveyance.
The property includes all tenements, hereditament, easements, appurtenances, reversions and remainders pertaining thereto.
The Substitute Trustee reserves the right to postpone or set over the date of sale in the event the Substitute Trustee deems it best for any reason at the time of sale to postpone or continue this sale from time to time, with such notice of postponement as deemed reasonable by the Substitute Trustee. In the event the highest bidder at such sale fails to complete his purchase of the subject real property within the applicable time allowed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee reserves the right to complete the sale of the subject real property, without further notice of advertisement, to the next highest bidder who is able to consummate his purchase of the property within the time permitted by the Substitute Trustee. This sale shall further be subject to any announcements made at the time of the sale.
This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded Plat or Plan; any unpaid property taxes which exist as a lien against the property; any restrictive covenants, easements or setbacks lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption not otherwise waived in the Deed of Trust, including rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; and any prior liens or encumbrances that may exist against the property. This sale is also subject to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises would disclose.
The property is to be sold "As Is, Where Is," without representation of warranty of any kind whatsoever, whether express or implied. Without limiting the foregoing, THIS PROPERTY IS TO BE SOLD WITHOUT ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE.
1. Bryan Brewsaugh, 589 Dyer Cemetery Ln., Bloomington Springs, TN 38545, and PO Box 23, Chestnut Mound, TN 38522-0023.
2. Laura Brewsaugh, 589 Dyer Cemetery Ln., Bloomington Springs, TN 38545.
3. Gateway Financial Solutions, PO Box 3257, Saginaw, MI 48605.
This 11th day of July, 2024.
Jeffrey G. Jones, Successor Trustee
1420 Neal Street, Suite 201
Cookeville, Tennessee 38501
8-20, 8-27, 9-3 3TC

ESTATE OF: Johnny Margaret Loftis
Notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of August 2024, Letter of Testamentary, in respect to the estate of Johnny Margaret Loftis., deceased, who died June 27, 2024, were issued to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Jackson County, Tennessee.
All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against the estate are required to file same with the Clerk of the above named Court at the Jackson County Court House, P.O. Box 342, Gainesboro, TN 38562 within the earlier of four (4) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, or twelve (12) months from the decedent’s date of death, otherwise their claims will be forever barred. 
This the 27th of August ,2024.
James W. Hawkins, Personal Representative
Sherrie Pippin-Loftis, Clerk and Master
Lee G. Richardson, Attorney for Estate
9-3-, 9-10 2TP